Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sam Turns Nine (Tomorrow)!!!!

Tomorrow, my baby will be nine years old. I can't believe it. He is the best thing that ever happened to me. I never could have imagined how much my life would change by just having Sam. He is a blessing. I am raising him, but he is growing me. I will go to any length to get what he needs. Because of Sam, I am very aware of the environment and I want to make it better.

Sam and I are so much alike. We both have forceful personalities. We clash a lot because of that. I see so much of myself in him and it makes me love him even more. It also makes me furious sometimes. The things he does are often things I have done or would have done if I had the tools available to me at his age. He is the best mirror I have ever had. And like any mirror, you may not like some of the things but you love (hopefully) the person that looks back at you. And I do.

1 comment:

The jones Family said...

Michelle I love this post! So sweet and so true :)